Jonbenet Ramsey~Who done it ? Will we ever know?

Patsey Ramsey died today of ovarian cancer. I have never really known what to think about this case. There were so many turns and twists along the way that it became a WHO DONE IT.
If Patsy ever knew anything about her daughter's death then she took it to the grave with her.
This is a copy of the ransom note that was released a few years ago.
This is a copy of the ransom note recovered in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case. It was released on September 8th by District Attorney Alex Hunter, whose office is probing the December 1996 murder of the Boulder, Colorado girl. In a press release, Hunter asked the public to contact Boulder police if they recognized the "handwriting, phrasing, or any aspect" of the note. (3 pages)

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