SPACE SHUTTLE DISCOVERY TO LAUNCH TONIGHT @ 11:59:23 PM AUGUST 28, 2009, Go for launch !!! Woo hoo.
To watch it live on the net..go here. This will be a beautiful night launch. READ ON BELOW ABOUT THE MISSION.
Nasa had to postpone the launch 3 times due to various problems.
Lightning one day, a bad valve the next and then I have no clue what yesterdays problem was. They will try tonight 5-29-2009 @ 11:59.37
God speed guys and gals.

Discovery Secured to Launch Pad
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 02:11:03 PM EDT
Space shuttle Discovery reached Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday afternoon following a slow drive on the top of the crawler-transporter from the Vehicle Assembly Building. The 3.4-mile rollout began at 2:07 a.m. and ended with the launch platform secured in place at about 1:50 p.m. The move took longer than expected because of weather conditions, including lightning. The crawler also had to pause occasionally so mud could be removed from its treads and bearings. Technicians will quickly ready the shuttle to host the crew’s countdown dress rehearsal known as the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, or TCDT. Discovery’s seven astronauts plan to fly to Kennedy on Wednesday for the training activity which concludes later in the week with a complete practice countdown, minus liftoff, involving the crew and the launch team.
(08/04/2009) --- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Sitting on top of the mobile launcher platform, space shuttle Discovery arrives on top of Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Traveling from the Vehicle Assembly Building, the shuttle took nearly 12 hours on the journey as technicians stopped several times to clear mud from the crawler's treads and bearings caused by the waterlogged crawlerway. First motion out of the VAB was at 2:07 a.m. EDT Aug. 4. Rollout was delayed approximately 2 hours due to lightning in the area

Image above: Lightning makes a dramatic background and slows the rollout of space shuttle Discovery to Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday. First motion of the shuttle out of the Vehicle Assembly Building was at 2:07 a.m

Image above: Seated are Commander Rick Sturckow (right) and Pilot Kevin Ford. From the left (standing) are mission specialists José Hernández, John "Danny" Olivas, Nicole Stott, European Space Agency's Christer Fuglesang and Patrick Forrester. Stott is scheduled to join Expedition 20 as flight engineer after launching to the International Space Station on STS-128.
Commander Rick Sturckow will lead the STS-128 mission to the International Space Station aboard space shuttle Discovery with Kevin Ford serving as pilot. Also serving aboard Discovery are mission specialists Patrick Forrester, José Hernández, John "Danny" Olivas, Christer Fuglesang and Nicole Stott.
Stott will remain on the station as an Expedition 20 flight engineer replacing Timothy Kopra. Kopra will return home aboard Discovery as a mission specialist.
Discovery is carrying the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module containing life support racks and science racks. The Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier will also be launched in Discovery's payload bay.
This is Discovery's 37th mission to space and the 30th mission of a space shuttle dedicated to the assembly and maintenance of the International Space Station.
Launch Target:
11:59:23 P.M. EDT - Aug. 28, 2009
Mission Number:
(128th space shuttle flight)
Launch Window:
10 minutes
Launch Pad:
Landing Site:
51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles
Primary Payload:
30th station flight (17A), Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, Lightweight Multi-Purpose Experiment Support Structure Carrier
Here is the Launch blog.
go here for more.
One Hour Until Launch
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:59:27 PM EDT
One hour remains until the scheduled liftoff of space shuttle Discovery at 11:59 p.m. Weather is cooperating and the launch team is not working on any technical problems.
Weather Upgraded
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:55:44 PM EDT
Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters has upgraded the launch weather forecast to 80 percent "go." She and the Spaceflight Meteorology Group in Houston will continue to keep an eye on conditions, but no new storms have flared up within the 20 nautical mile limit.
T-20 Minutes and Counting
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:54:08 PM EDT
The countdown is under way at T-20 minutes and counting. Tonight's final built-in hold is coming up at T-9 minutes.
T-20 Minutes and Holding
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:44:12 PM EDT
The countdown clock is holding at T-20 minutes. This built-in hold lasts only 10 minutes, so the countdown will continue at 10:54 p.m. The Closeout Crew is preparing to leave the launch pad and will retreat to a roadblock set up a short distance away. Everything continues on schedule for launch of space shuttle Discovery at 11:59 p.m.
White Room Closeout
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:34:47 PM EDT
With Discovery's seven astronauts safely strapped in and the hatch sealed for liftoff, it's time for the Closeout Crew to secure the White Room and leave the launch pad. They'll pull away the seal connecting the White Room to Discovery's side and fasten the walls. The yellow hose that delivered air to the crew module earlier is now tucked into a locker.
Less Than Two Hours Left
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 10:02:30 PM EDT
Less than two more hours until launch. The countdown is going very well this evening, with weather conditions remaining favorable for now, and no technical issues being discussed by the launch team. Space shuttle Discovery and a crew of seven astronauts are ready to lift off on the STS-128 mission to the International Space Station at 11:59 p.m.
Final Inspection Team Report Complete; Hatch Closed
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:59:10 PM EDT
There are no ice/frost concerns for tonight's launch. The ice formation detected earlier is the same size as previous formations in the same area and the launch team processed a waiver for it. It's been determined to be acceptable and within known conditions. Two other areas of interest were not considered a concern and did not require waivers.
Discovery's hatch is closed and crew cabin leak checks will verify a good, tight seal. Commander Sturckow will oversee the pressurization of the crew cabin to flight pressure.
Countdown Update
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:46:10 PM EDT
Launch managers are still discussing an ice formation detected earlier in the area of the liquid hydrogen T-0 umbilical. It is similar in size and shape to those spotted on previous launch attempts. Its size has been determined not to be a debris hazard.
The weather is favorable, overall. We're currently "green" on all launch weather constraints, although pop-up showers within 20 nautical miles could pose a concern for return-to-launch-site abort rules.
The Closeout Crew is ready to begin closing space shuttle Discovery's hatch.
Comm Checks Complete
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:34:45 PM EDT
The STS-128 crew just completed a round of communications checks and air-to-ground voice checks between the astronauts, Launch Control Center at Kennedy and Mission Control Center at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.
The Closeout Crew is removing all non-flight items and finishing up any additional work inside Discovery's crew module before closing the hatch.
Fuglesang and Hernandez Last to Board
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:15:35 PM EDT
Mission Specialist Christer Fuglesang, a member of the European Space Agency's astronaut corps from Sweden, is strapping into Seat 6 in the center of Discovery's middeck. Last to board Discovery is Mission Specialist Jose Hernandez. He'll sit in Seat 5, in the second row of the flight deck. With Hernandez on board, crew ingress is complete.
Both Fuglesang and Hernandez offer their thoughts and insights on Twitter. You can find Fuglesang at and Hernandez at
About two hours ago, Fuglesang tweeted, "T-4:50 Had my hamburger. Suit up in 20 min. Signing off again and hope to be back on-line in two weeks (and not earlier:-) )"
Now, back to the blog.
Olivas is Seated; Forrester is Next
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:58:28 PM EDT
Mission Specialist Danny Olivas is strapped into Seat 5, on the left side of Discovery's middeck, nearest the hatch. Next to board is Mission Specialist Patrick Forrester, who will ride into space in Seat 3 on the second row of the flight deck.
Ford Boards Discovery
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:52:30 PM EDT
STS-128 Pilot Kevin Ford is next to take his seat inside space shuttle Discovery. He'll sit in the right front seat on the flight deck, beside Commander Sturckow. This will be Ford's first spaceflight.
After strapping in, the astronauts plug into cooling units and put on their gloves and helmets.
Meanwhile, a few new pop-up storm cells have appeared on the radar about 30 miles west of Kennedy. This isn't an immediate concern, but definitely warrants close attention as the countdown continues.
Stott Straps In
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:42:27 PM EDT
Next aboard is first-time space flier Nicole Stott, who will serve as a mission specialist before taking her position as Expedition 20 flight engineer on the International Space Station. Stott, who claims Clearwater, Fla. as her hometown, will sit on the right side of Discovery's middeck in Seat 7.
Sturckow Climbs Aboard
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:38:24 PM EDT
Discovery's astronauts have arrived at the launch pad, where Commander Rick "C.J." Sturckow is the first to board space shuttle Discovery. A veteran of three prior spaceflights, Sturckow will sit in the front left seat of the flight deck.
Final Inspection Complete
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:25:39 PM EDT
The Final Inspection Team recently completed its walkdown of Launch Pad 39A. There is one ice formation spotted in the area of the liquid hydrogen T-0 umbilical. This has been noted during previous countdowns and will be evaluated tonight to ensure it is not a debris hazard.
Astrovan Makes Two Stops
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:23:23 PM EDT
Chief Astronaut Steve Lindsey is on his way to Kennedy's Shuttle Landing Facility. Flying first in a T-38 training jet and later on in the Shuttle Training Aircraft, Lindsey will monitor the weather around the Kennedy launch site and relay his observations to weather officials. He'll help make judgments about the transparency of anvil clouds, reports that could end up being an important factor in tonight's launch decision.
The Astrovan convoy stopped briefly outside the Launch Control Center to drop off Director of Flight Crew Operations Brent Jett and other management astronauts. With its stops complete, the Astrovan and its security escorts are approaching Launch Pad 39A.
Discovery's Astronauts Leave for the Launch Pad
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:10:26 PM EDT
The STS-128 astronauts are headed to the launch pad, where space shuttle Discovery awaits liftoff tonight at 11:59 p.m. With big smiles on their faces, they waved to a cheering crowd of supporters as they boarded the Astrovan. The drive to the launch pad is scheduled to take about 25 minutes. To avoid overheating in their heavy suits, the astronauts can plug into cooling units at each seat.
And Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters just shared more good news with STS-128 Launch Director Pete Nickolenko: we are now "green" on all weather constraints. As predicted, the thunderstorms and lightning in the area earlier have dissipated and moved away. Although weather officials are keeping an eye on a storm system to the south, the current weather at the launch site is looking much better than it did earlier this evening.
T-3 Hours and Counting
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 08:04:08 PM EDT
Once again, countdown clocks at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida are ticking toward liftoff of space shuttle Discovery at 11:59 p.m. The next built-in hold is a 10-minute pause at T-20 minutes.
Tonight's countdown continues to go very smoothly. The astronauts will leave their crew quarters shortly and begin the drive out to the launch pad inside the silver-colored Astrovan.
Good News on Weather
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:54:00 PM EDT
The weather continues to trend in the right direction. We're now "green" on lightning, ceiling and field mill rules. Only three rules -- cumulus cloud, anvil cloud and flight-through-precipitation rules -- are still "red." That's an improvement over the situation earlier, when all six of the above-mentioned rules were in the red.
There are no technical issues being discussed by the launch team. The T-3-hour built-in hold will end shortly, at 8:04 p.m.
Astronauts Suiting Up; Weather Improving
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:39:19 PM EDT
Inside their crew quarters in Kennedy's Operations and Checkout Building, the STS-128 astronauts are dressed in their orange launch-and-entry suits, known officially as the Advanced Crew Escape Suit, or ACES. They're scheduled to depart for the launch pad at 8:09 p.m.
The weather situation has shown some improvement. The Phase 2 lightning warning has ended, and although there is still a storm cell to the southeast of the pad, it is expected to dissipate and continue moving out of the area. With the expiration of the Phase 2 lightning warning, the Final Inspection Team has resumed its inspection of space shuttle Discovery and the pad surface.
Weather Update
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:13:47 PM EDT
Weather at launch time is still forecast to be 60 percent "go," according to Lt. Col. Patrick Barrett of the 45th Weather Squadron. Right now, we're seeing some thunderstorm development and lightning strikes within 5 nautical miles, prompting a Phase 2 lightning warning at the launch site, and violating several launch rules for weather: lightning, cumulus clouds, anvil clouds, debris clouds, field mills and flight-through-precipitation. But according to Barrett, these are mostly related to a thunderstorm in the area and the remnant of another storm that moved in. Additionally, Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters just reported a ceiling forming at the Shuttle Landing Facility, so the range now is "red" for the ceiling rule.
Again, the forecast is still 60 percent "go," and weather officials are hopeful that the weather trends will improve within the next hour or so as the inclement weather moves out.
Meanwhile, the Final Inspection Team at Launch Pad 39A has taken shelter until the Phase 2 lightning warning clears.
Closeout Crew Begins Preps for Astronaut Boarding
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:03:36 PM EDT
The seven-person Closeout Crew is preparing for the astronauts' arrival in the launch pad's environmentally controlled White Room later tonight. Astronaut Shane Kimbrough is providing support, and as part of the Closeout Crew, he will help the flight crew strap into their seats inside Discovery's crew module.
Final Inspection Team Conducting its Detailed Survey
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:57:03 PM EDT
At Launch Pad 39A, the Final Inspection Team is performing their standard prelaunch survey of the space shuttle vehicle and launch pad structure. The seven-member team uses digital cameras, a telescope, an infrared radiometer to look for ice, frost or cracks forming on or near the shuttle's external tank. This evening, the launch team is investigating a formation of ice at the area of the liquid hydrogen T-0 umbilical. This has been noted on the past two launches and it will be evaluated to determine whether it's a concern tonight.
About the STS-128 Mission
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:43:55 PM EDT
Space shuttle Discovery is launching on the STS-128 mission, a 13-day flight to replenish supplies and deliver science experiments to the International Space Station. Inside its payload bay, Discovery is carrying the Leonardo supply module, which is filled with science and storage racks, a freezer to store research samples, a new sleeping compartment and the COLBERT treadmill, named after TV show host Stephen Colbert.
Discovery Poised for New Launch Attempt
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 06:32:58 PM EDT
Thanks for joining NASA's Launch Blog for the liftoff of space shuttle Discovery, scheduled for 11:59 p.m. The countdown clock is holding at T-3 hours. Launch team members are monitoring Discovery's health and the progress of the countdown from Firing Room 4 inside Kennedy's Launch Control Center, about three miles from the launch pad. The Launch Blog is based right next door, in Firing Room 3.
No technical issues are being reported by the launch team, but it's going to be a busy evening for the Spaceflight Meteorology Group based at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and launch weather officials from the 45th Weather Squadron in Florida. Although the forecast calls for a 60 percent chance of favorable conditions at launch time, the Eastern Range currently is "red," meaning no-go, on anvil clouds, cumulus clouds, field mills, lightning, and flight-through-precipitation rules.
More than 500,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen have been loaded into the 154-foot tall orange tank. The tanking process began at 2:45 p.m. and concluded at 5:48 p.m. Fueling has entered the "stable replenish" mode. The inboard liquid hydrogen fill-and-drain valve and position indicator that caused a launch scrub earlier in the week are functioning correctly today.
Launch Blog Begins Aug. 28 at 6:30 p.m.
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