Today, SATURDAY & SUNDAY the BLUE ANGELS ARE GOING TO PUT ON AN AIR SHOW IN MARIETTA, GEORGIA AT 3:00 PM. Dobbins Air force Base & NAVAL AIR STATION ATLANTA. They are a part of many other planes that will be in the show today and tomorrow. It all starts this morning at 8:30 AM. They have been practicing all week long. Its amazing what I saw earlier this week while I was up that way where the airfield is. I was running an eron and saw them flying all over the place. It looked like they were in the tree tops. I am taking a cruise up that way today around 3:00 to see the show. It should be a lot of fun. Hope you will catch them if they come to a city or town near you. Totally Amazing, no doubt! A couple of links are below. You may enjoy browsing the sites. ESPECIALLY THE SECOND LINK. Turn up your sound and watch and listen as they take off.
If you live in the Atlanta area be sure to go and see this show. THE NAVAL AIR STATION IN MARIETTA was one of the bases chosen for closure by the pentegon. This will be the last show for the angels in ATLANTA. Dobbins Air Forse base will remain open. Only the NAVAL AIR STATION will be closing. But..thats the Blue Angels stopever base when they are on tour. I will post some pics that I will take myself while I am at the show later .
Update..I went to the show and it was totally amazing. I got scared there for a minute. They were flying so fast and so close together I was afraid they were gonaa hit one another. Really an asome show. If you go to the links above it will show you their schedule for the rest of the year all the way to the 2nd week in November. They preform somewhere every weekend. I do nto know how they do it all. A lot of practice and a hell of a lot of nerve. Whooooo.
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