AUG. 28th ,2009, Space Shuttle Discovery Blasts Off on Flight to International Space Station
Space Shuttle Discovery Blasts Off on Flight to International Space Station

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CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida — Space shuttle Discovery and seven astronauts blazed into orbit Friday on a spectacular midnight flight to the international space station, hauling up a treadmill named after a TV funnyman and thousands of pounds of more solemn supplies.
Discovery lit up the sky for miles around as it thundered away on NASA's third launch attempt. Lightning flashed far in the distance, and the ascending shuttle resembled a bright star until it blinked out of sight five minutes after liftoff.
The space station was soaring more than 220 miles above the Indian Ocean, southwest of Tasmania, when Discovery took off. The shuttle will reach the orbiting outpost Sunday night.
"It looks like third time really is the charm," launch director Pete Nickolenko told commander Rick Sturckow. "We wish you and your team good luck and Godspeed."
Tuesday's launch attempt was called off by thunderstorms and Wednesday's by fuel valve trouble. Everything came together in NASA's favor Friday night; even the valve and its indicator switch behaved, allowing the shuttle to blast off seconds before midnight.
Discovery's most prominent payload is NASA's new $5 million treadmill, which is named after Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.
Colbert tried to get a space station room named after himself and even won the online vote earlier this year, but NASA went with Tranquility instead in honor of the 40th anniversary of man's first moon landing.
The comedian said the treadmill — for "all those chubby astronauts" — is a consolation prize.
The treadmill is flying up in more than 100 pieces and won't be put together until sometime next month.
In all, the space shuttle will deliver about 17,000 pounds of gear to the space station. The experiments include six mice that will remain at the orbiting complex until the following shuttle visit in November. Part of a bone loss study, the mice will be the first mammals — other than humans — to spend a prolonged period at the space station.
"Let's go step up the science on the international space station," Sturckow radioed right before liftoff.
Three spacewalks will be performed during the 13-day shuttle flight, to install a new ammonia tank, part of the space station's cooling system, and replace other equipment and retrieve outdoor experiments.
The station also will get a new resident, Nicole Stott. She will replace an astronaut who moved in during the 13-day shuttle flight last month. That spaceman will return to Earth aboard Discovery, as will Buzz Lightyear. The action figure toy has been in orbit for more than a year, courtesy of Walt Disney World.
Stott, who will spend at least three months at the space station, tapped her heart with her right hand before climbing aboard Discovery and said, "I love you" to the cameras, presumably for her husband and 7-year-old son.
Discovery's crew includes two Hispanics, the first time two have flown together in space. Both are Mexican-Americans, and one of them, Jose Hernandez, grew up in a migrant worker family. Hernandez will file bilingual Twitter updates from orbit. A Swede is also on board.
It was NASA's 33rd nighttime shuttle launch and preceded, by just two days, the 25th anniversary of Discovery's first liftoff. Flags flew at half-staff throughout Kennedy Space Center on Friday in memory of Sen. Edward Kennedy.
Only seven shuttle flights remain, including this one. A blue-ribbon review committee should file its report soon, offering options to President Obama for the direction of NASA's human spaceflight program. As it stands now, the space shuttles will be retired after space station construction is completed in the next year to year-and-a-half.

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Thanks for Joining Us
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:15:30 AM EDT
Just two days shy of the 25th anniversary of its maiden voyage, space shuttle Discovery rocketed away from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to begin the STS-128 mission to the International Space Station. The liftoff followed a remarkably smooth countdown with no technical issues and steadily improving weather.
Please join us again for NASA's Landing Blog. Discovery is scheduled to land at Kennedy on Sept. 10. For ongoing updates throughout this 13-day mission, please visit
Main Engine Cutoff
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:08:38 AM EDT
>From mission control, the booster officer confirms main engine cutoff. After a smooth countdown and spectacular liftoff, Discovery has reached orbit.
Press to MECO
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:06:29 AM EDT
Discovery would be able to reach orbit now even with the loss of one engine, although all three are performing as expected.
Press to ATO
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:05:40 AM EDT
Discovery could safely reach a lower-than-planned orbit at this point even if one engine were to fail. But all three engines are performing well.
All Systems in Great Shape
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:04:56 AM EDT
Discovery now is 212 miles downrange from Kennedy Space Center.
Negative Return
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:03:46 AM EDT
Space shuttle Discovery is traveling too fast and is too far downrange to return to Kennedy Space Center in the unlikely event of an engine failure.
Solid Rocket Booster Separation
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:02:12 AM EDT
The solid rocket boosters have separated from space shuttle Discovery and are falling toward the ocean, where they'll be retrieved and towed back to Kennedy for refurbishment. Meanwhile, Discovery's two orbital maneuvering system engines are assisting with the climb toward orbit.
'Go at Throttle Up'
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:00:56 AM EDT
Discovery's three main engines are throttling up to 104 percent of rated thrust as the vehicle heads toward maximum aerodynamic pressure, known as "max Q."
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:59:47 PM EDT
Solid rocket booster ignition and liftoff! Space shuttle Discovery and a crew of seven astronauts are blazing across the night sky, lighting Florida's Space Coast in a golden glow. Launch control at Kennedy has passed the baton to mission control in Houston as Discovery clears the tower and rotates into a head-down position.
As Discovery thunders toward space, the International Space Station is 225 miles above the Indian Ocean, flying southwest of Tasmania.
'Go' for Auto-Sequence Start
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:59:17 PM EDT
T-31 seconds. Discovery's onboard computers have taken control of the countdown at this point. At T-6 seconds, Discovery's trio of main engines will roar to life and the vehicle will strain against its hold-down bolts until the bolts are released at T-0. Stand by for liftoff!
Time to Fly
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:57:46 PM EDT
T-2 minutes. The Orbiter Test Conductor John Kracsun instructed the flight crew to close and lock their visors and activate the flow of oxygen to their helmets. The launch control team's communication channels are very quiet now as the final countdown milestones are checked off.
Go for APU Start
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:54:54 PM EDT
T-5 minutes and counting. The ground launch sequencer is "go" for APU start. Pilot Kevin Ford is activating all three of space shuttle Discovery's auxiliary power units, which will power the hydraulics driving the orbiter's steering mechanisms.
Liquid oxygen stable replenish is complete. The gaseous oxygen vent hood, commonly called the "beanie cap," soon will be retracted from the top of the external fuel tank and moved out of the way.
Orbiter Access Arm is Retracted
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:52:21 PM EDT
The ground launch sequencer is pulling the orbiter access arm away from space shuttle Discovery. If an emergency required the astronauts to evacuate the shuttle, the arm would be moved back into place in a matter of seconds.
T-9 Minutes and Counting
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:50:46 PM EDT
Less than nine minutes to go until space shuttle Discovery lights up the darkened sky above central Florida. The ground launch sequencer is automatically controlling all critical tasks during this final stretch of the countdown.
Polls Complete: Discovery is 'Go'
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:47:31 PM EDT
Mission Management Team Chairman Mike Moses, NASA Test Director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson and STS-128 Launch Director Pete Nickolenko have completed their final prelaunch polls. Space shuttle Discovery is "go" for launch tonight at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
A Great Night for a Launch
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:40:25 PM EDT
It's a beautiful late-summer night for a space shuttle launch. The weather is cooperating nicely and no technical issues have been reported. Discovery and its crew of seven astronauts are alone at Launch Pad 39A as the minutes tick by until liftoff at 11:59 p.m. There is very little conversation over the airwaves and communication loops in the Launch Control Center.
T-9 Minutes and Holding
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:22:08 PM EDT
The countdown has entered its final built-in hold at T-9 minutes. This hold lasts 45 minutes, 37 seconds. Tonight's preferred launch time is 11:59:37 p.m. EDT.
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