Well, if you are a Taylor Hicks fan, CHECK OUT HIS EYEBROW. He IS QUITE AN ENTERTAINER. I really enjoy watching him.
Its really going to be down to the wire with these last 5. Good luck to who ever has to go on Wedenesday night. This year has been a really good year. A lot different from past years. I have enjoyed this year the most out of all the years before. Who do you think is going to win. Leave a comment. I wanta hear from you. You do not have to register to leave a comment. So here are the last 3 standing "I THINK".

Here is an excellent TAYLOR Hicks page. I love it. It loaded with all kinds of stuff !! You will love it too!!
check it out ! AWESOME !!

I think its time for Paris to go. She is not going to be the winner. I thing it is going to be a guy this year. All 3 of the guys are great. Katherine I know is a favorite, I just do not see her as the American Idol. I think it will probably be Chris. Paris is just too young. Elliot is good to. Taylor is just too good to overlook. There is something about him that makes him a great entertainer. So its a toss up for the winner this year. This has been a great year. A different kinda year. I have enjoyed it all.
Good luck to whoever wins it this year.
Well, Paris is gone.
SO, I THINK NEXT WEEK KATHERINE SHOULD go. Let the guys duke it out.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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